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Tartu University's Virtual Tour

A virtual tour design for the prestigious Tartu University, transforming lives since 1632.

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Bringing Estonia's Academic Heritage to the Digital World

The University of Tartu stands as a beacon of knowledge and innovation, with a history that dates back to 1632. As Estonia's largest and oldest university, it embodies the nation's academic spirit and dedication to research and education on a global scale. With over 17,000 individuals enriching its halls, the University of Tartu is not just an institution; it's a vibrant community of scholars and students.

Challenge: In a world where digital presence is increasingly crucial, the University of Tartu sought to transcend traditional boundaries and open its historic and intellectual heritage to a global audience. The goal was to create an immersive, digital experience that would allow prospective students, researchers, and the curious mind from anywhere in the world to explore its campuses and academic environment virtually.

Xfiner's Solution:

  • Immersive 360-Degree Virtual Tour: Xfiner crafted a stunning, immersive 360-degree virtual tour of the University of Tartu. Utilizing cutting-edge technology and creative design, we brought the university's majestic campuses, rich traditions, and academic facilities to life in the digital realm.
  • Engaging and Informative: The virtual tour is designed not just to showcase the beauty and history of the university's buildings, but also to provide insightful information about its faculties, programs, and student life. Viewers can virtually navigate through lecture halls, libraries, research centers, and student gathering spots, gaining a comprehensive understanding of what it means to be part of the University of Tartu.
  • Accessible Worldwide: With a focus on accessibility, the virtual tour is optimized for various devices, ensuring that anyone, anywhere, can embark on this virtual journey through Estonia's premier academic institution, fostering a global connection with prospective students, alumni, and academic enthusiasts.


The University of Tartu's virtual tour represents a groundbreaking step in digital engagement for academic institutions. This virtual experience not only showcases the university's rich heritage and academic excellence but also significantly expands its reach, inviting a global audience to explore, connect, and discover Estonia's academic heart from the comfort of their homes.

The Xfiner Touch: Through innovative design and technological expertise, Xfiner has helped the University of Tartu break new ground in digital storytelling, creating an immersive experience that celebrates its legacy and invites the world to explore the pinnacle of Estonian academia.

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Lauri Post

Founder, Creative Director

Concepts, UX/UI Design


10+ years of experience